

Bravo, Hubert Joly! At last, here is a CEO who demonstrates how a business with employees aligned behind an inspiring purpose can enjoy unexpected, transformational success. More +

Marilyn Carlson Nelson

former Chair and CEO, Carlson

Bravo, Hubert Joly! At last, here is a CEO who demonstrates how a business with employees aligned behind an inspiring purpose can enjoy unexpected, transformational success. Hubert Joly breaks the mold by boldly asserting—and proving—that heart, humanity, and even magic are essential to stakeholders’ engagement and to sustained performance. If broadly practiced, this fresh and enlightened approach will make business a force for good and may even save capitalism.

Marilyn Carlson Nelson

former Chair and CEO, Carlson

Hubert invites us to think deeply about a company’s purpose . . . and offers a set of principles and practical advice on how to make this vision a reality. More +

Satya Nadella

CEO, Microsoft

Through great storytelling and lessons from his own experience, Hubert invites us to think deeply about a company’s purpose—to contribute to the common good and serve all its stakeholders in a harmonious fashion by unleashing human magic—and offers a set of principles and practical advice on how to make this vision a reality.

Satya Nadella

CEO, Microsoft

I’ve had the good fortune of knowing Hubert for over a decade. The Heart of Business is a thought-provoking read on the notion that noble purpose is an essential driver of business success today. More +

Shantanu Narayen

CEO, Adobe Systems

I’ve had the good fortune of knowing Hubert for over a decade. The Heart of Business is a thought-provoking read on the notion that noble purpose is an essential driver of business success today. He reinforces this thesis with compelling anecdotes from his illustrious career and provides a practical guide to putting it into action. It is a timely and meaningful book that reminds us of the vital role companies can play in moving the world forward.

Shantanu Narayen

CEO, Adobe Systems

In The Heart of Business, Hubert Joly shares his principles about business and leadership, how he came to shape them, and how he has been putting them to work over the years. More +

Indra Nooyi

former Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

In The Heart of Business, Hubert Joly shares his principles about business and leadership, how he came to shape them, and how he has been putting them to work over the years. Whether you are fresh out of business school or a seasoned CEO, this is a wonderful book to include in your reading list.

Indra Nooyi

former Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

Drawing on stories from a life well lived—and organizations well led—Joly’s treatise inspires both new and seasoned leaders to consider why we work and how we can do so with power, heart, and purpose. More +

Eric Pliner

CEO, YSC Consulting

As leaders and organizations look to create and nurture meaning for themselves, their employees, their customers, and the world, the lessons from Hubert Joly’s The Heart of Business are more powerful than ever. Drawing on stories from a life well lived—and organizations well led—Joly’s treatise inspires both new and seasoned leaders to consider why we work and how we can do so with power, heart, and purpose. Joly reminds us that reconnecting with what matters is what truly makes work work.

Eric Pliner

CEO, YSC Consulting

 This book captures Hubert’s passion for purpose and people above profits and showcases with unique insight and practical examples how to make business an unstoppable force for good. More +

Paul Polman

cofounder and Chair, IMAGINE; former CEO, Unilever

Hubert Joly is a revered leader who has unequivocally proven the business case for stakeholder capitalism. This book captures his passion for purpose and people above profits and, just when humanity is at its most vulnerable, showcases with unique insight and practical examples how to make business an unstoppable force for good.

Paul Polman

cofounder and Chair, IMAGINE; former CEO, Unilever

Hubert Joly proves that businesses don’t need to choose between profit and purpose. But more than that, he shows us how it’s done, with practical advice and clear examples. More +

Ginni Rometty

former CEO, IBM; Cochair, OneTen

Hubert Joly proves that businesses don’t need to choose between profit and purpose. But more than that, he shows us how it’s done, with practical advice and clear examples. It’s hard not to feel optimistic about the future of capitalism after reading this book.

Ginni Rometty

former CEO, IBM; Cochair, OneTen

Hubert Joly explains how a purposeful human organization, based on caring and trust, can turn the most desperate company into an industry leader. More +

Jean-Dominique Senard

Chairman, Renault

People first! This book will bring back hope to those who doubt the sustainability of capitalism. Brilliantly illustrated by numerous heartfelt examples from his own professional life, Hubert Joly explains how a purposeful human organization, based on caring and trust, can turn the most desperate company into an industry leader. No surprise that Hubert Joly is one of the most respected business leaders today. He convincingly lays the path forward for business, and his advice should be followed.

Jean-Dominique Senard

Chairman, Renault

Business should be a force for good. Hubert Joly has shown that putting purpose and people at The Heart of Business is the best kind of executive leadership.

Kevin Sneader

Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company

The Heart of Business unveils a new paradigm of leadership for the twenty-first century, at odds with traditional thinking. It emphasizes purpose and its necessary alignment with people and culture. More +

Jean-Pascal Tricoire

Chairman and CEO, Schneider Electric

The Heart of Business unveils a new paradigm of leadership for the twenty-first century, at odds with traditional thinking. It emphasizes purpose and its necessary alignment with people and culture. A new leadership approach is needed, focusing on long-term and sustainable performance and giving strong meaning to the contribution of everyone. Hubert’s book describes a positive path for business, based on the diverse experience of his rich career and a profound conviction of the difference people make in our companies.

Jean-Pascal Tricoire

Chairman and CEO, Schneider Electric

The Heart of Business offers a joyful and inspiring vision of how to reinvent business and capitalism from the heart. More +

Darren Walker

President, Ford Foundation

Long before stakeholder capitalism and the idea of purpose in business were being talked about, Hubert Joly was already embracing both with impressive success. One of the very best business leaders now lifts the veil on why leading with purpose and humanity makes sense, along with how to make it work in the real world. Thoughtful, well researched, very practical, and eminently readable, The Heart of Business offers a joyful and inspiring vision of how to reinvent business and capitalism from the heart.

Darren Walker

President, Ford Foundation